Saya begitu tertarik membaca satu artikel tulisan Micheal Chick yang mengatakan asal-usul nama Semenanjung Tanah Melayu ialah Semenanjung Barr Xin atau Barr Chin. Chin ialah merujuk kepada China. Bermakna nama asal ialah Tanah China atau land of the Chinese.
Benarkah begitu?
Micheal Chick berdasarkan tulisan itu telah menjalankan kajian yang serius mengenai sejarah Semenanjung Tanah Melayu dengan menyebut nama ahli sejarah terkenal seperti Prof Dr Khoo Khay Kim, Ahli falsafah Greek, Ptolemy, catatan pedagang Arab, catatan pendakwah Hindu Gujerat, Prof Nik Hassan, Tom Harrison, H.G. Quatrich Wales dan juga ada menyebut Nabi Muhammad S.A.W dan isterinya Siti Khadijah.
Berdasarkan kajiannya, nama Tanah Melayu tidak ujud sebelum British tiba dan menguasai Semenanjung itu pada kurun ke-19 masihi. Sebelum itu kawasan tersebut hanya dikenali sebagai Mallacca sekitar kurun ke-15.
Sebuah catatan dan tulisan terawal iaitu Sejarah Melayu, yang mencatat semua tempat dari China hingga ke India termasuk negeri kecil seperti Temasik, tetapi tidak pernah menyebut Tanah Melayu. Penulis bertanya, kenapa?
Jawapannya mudah sahaja kerana nama itu belum ujud! Tanah Melayu tidak pernah dikenali sebagai Tanah Melayu sehingga British menjajah kawasan tersebut.
Malaya dalam bahasa Tagalog bermakna "aman". Malai dalam bahasa Tamil pula bermakna "bukit" seperti panggilan peniaga-peniaga Gujerat yang juga pendakwah Hindu terhadap banjaran Titiwangsa sebagai "mini-Himalaya" ketika mencari tempat membina kuil Hindu di kawasan itu pada kurun ke-2 masihi.
Tiada satu catatan sejarah sebelum kurun ke19 yang mengenali kawasan itu sebagai Tanah Melayu.
Sebelum kedatangan Parameswara pada kurun ke -10, tanah semenanjung dikenali sebagai Barr Kra (Ada kaitan dengan Segenting Kra?). Barr dalam bahasa Parsi bermaksud tanah. Sebelum Barr Kra, semenanjung dikenali sebagai "Golden Chersonese" iaitu nama purba yang merujuk kepada semenanjung itu oleh Ptolemy, seorang ahli falsafah Greek yang juga seorang ahli astronomi dan ahli geografi.
Di Zaman kegemilangan Rom, Golden Chersonese ialah kawasan yang tersohor sebagai kawasan yang kaya dengan emas sehingga mendapat jolokan nama itu.
Namun apa yang menarik sekali ialah rujukan penulis terhadap peta Arab lama yang merujuk tanah semenanjung sebagai Barr Chin atau Barr Xin. Berdasarkan rekod pedagang-pedagang Arab telah ujud usaha melombong emas di negeri Barr Chin 500 tahun sebelum kelahiran junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.
Apakah tulisan Micheal Chick itu benar-benar berdasar fakta sejarah ilmiah? Atau mungkinkah catatan itu hanya satu propoganda yang bertujuan membangkitkan semangat kaum China menuntut hak mereka keatas negara yang memang asalnya TANAH CHINA!
Saya juga tertanya-tanya kenapa nama laut yang mengelilingi tanah Semenanjung Tanah Melayu dipanggil Laut China Selatan bukan Laut Melayu???
MO Salam. Kagum
tulisan Michael Chick in benar2 berdasarkan fakta dari Mahkamah Dunia dia ni satu2nya ilmuan tersohor sejarah bukan saja Tanah Melayu bahkan Sedunia - tapi mengapa beliau tak masukkan negara2 saperti America,Afrika,Russia,Iceland,Khutub Utara/Selatan pun dalam peta China ????????? aku musykil juga aku ni dah lah buta sejarah
This is something new. Tetapi ingin tau juga dikurun berapa orang cina
datang ke sini. By land or by sea. Tamadun negeri china memang salah satu tamadun tua didunia. Kalau sekadar melukis peta dan memberi nama Barr Chin belum membuktikan ini sebahagian negeri jajahan China. China lebih terkenal dgn peperangan sesama sendiri dari sebagai penjajah.
Panglima Awang pernah belayar mengeliling dunia bersama seorang pengembara terkemuka. Andainya belia melukis peta dan meletakkan nama 'Barr Melayu' ditempat tertentu ini tidak bermakna kawasan itu tanah milik orang melayu asalnya.
Apapun persoalan ini saya serahkan kepada ahli sejarah untuk memberi pandangan.
salam tuan blog,
saya amat meminati sejarah dan telah bertemu beberapa blog yang memaparkan kisah sejarah tanah melayu dan oarang melayu.
Pihak tuan boleh berkunjung disini untuk pencarian ilmu bersama2.
kawie 2020,
saya akan layari blog2 itu. terima kasih.
Michael Chick punya artikel ni, artikel ilmiah ke?
macam lebih kepada artikel nak belasah Umno je.
Kalau artikel ilmiah, dia kena sediakan dan sebutkan rujukan dia dalam bentuk footnotes dsbnya.
Dari buku mana dia dapat peta arab tu? Mananya peta tu?
Dari ahli sejarah mana dia dapat bahan rujukan dia?
Asal sebut je, mana boleh pakai dan boleh diragui.
Dalam buku Sejarah Melayu memang tak sebut Tanah Melayu, tapi tak sebut jugak Barr Chin ni.
Dalam buku Sejarah Melayu ada di sebut Kepulauan Melayu. Dalam bahasa Inggeris, Malay Archipelago.
Lagi satu, kalau betul le Semenanjung Malaysia pada kurun 2 masihi di panggil Tanah Cina, mana buktinya orang cina pernah tinggal sini? Apa nama kerajaan cina ni?
Langkasuka? Patani? Gangganegara?
Lagi banyak aku baca artikel Michael Chick ni, lagi confius aku. Dia perlu letak rujukan ilmiah dia. Baru le kita boleh buat cross check. Nak percaya babi buta je, memang le jadi jahil nanti.
Laut China Selatan dinamakan Laut China Selatan sebab dia berada di selatan Laut China nun kat atas sana.
Biarle nama nak letak apa aja sebab orang putih yang namakan laut tu masa dia berdagang dengan Hong Kong seratus tahun dulu.
Selat Melaka dinamakan begitu sebab Melaka dah famous sejak dulu lagi... Kalau Palembang kuat, selat tu agaknya orang panggil Selat Palembang sampai sekarang.
Dua tiga ratus tahun dulu, orang pantai timur namakan Laut Cina Selatan depan mata diorang tu sebagai LAUT aja.
Sebab tulah Michael Chick cakap Sejarah Melayu tidak mendaftar sejarah semenanjung lebih awal dari kurun ke-15. Kenapa Kerajaan Melaysia tidak mahu membiayai kajian untuk tujuan ini? Seperti kerajaan2 yang lain, ada udang di sebalik mee.
Certainly the name Tanah Melayu given by the British is as divisive as the divide-and-conquer tactics the Crown employed during their tenure as the colonists, since Malaya was already quite plural even before their arrival. Although the Dutch colonists were there before the British, the Dutch never attempted any serious meddling into the social structure of the colony society, save for the ubiquitous Catholic proselytizing. Hence, the Dutch have never really etched something permanent onto the Malayan psyche (apart from some loan words), even though they were here far longer than the Portuguese or British.
The name Tanah Melayu is given out of consideration for the people of Malaya, though; it may have been given as a common easily pronounced name. If the British had wanted it, they would have disposed off the social respect nonsense and gave Malaya a name more palatable to the British tongue, like Protectorate of Southeast Indies for example. Heck, maybe if the Dutch objected to it, we might have Verenigde Oost Indische Stadt as our country's name today.
However, carto-graphically speaking, any historians would realize that maps of the old days were far from accurate. An old 10th century European map clumped the Middle-east (while somehow bypassing the Indian subcontinent), the Southeast Asian regions and Russia together and named it to the only Asian civilization they knew at that time, which is China. Hence, we couldn't really blame Columbus for naming the American natives as Indians, because as far as he knew, he landed in parts of India.
If we were really to put into consideration the cartographic location of countries in the old maps, all the countries would either be Indians, Chinese or Roman, since they were the only prominent civilization at that time. Thus, the Malays, the Thais, the Vietnamese, the Burmese, the Russians and the Japanese, to name a few, would just be Chinese to the undiscerning eyes. The Britons, the Gauls, the Teutons and the Turks would also be Romans in the same way, despite their apparent differences.
Today, national borders are almost irrelevant, thanks to progress in international transportation. As such, the issue of race-nation relationship is relative and never permanent. Quoting such fragile notions from maps in today's wave of globalization is futile. If we tried that as well, we are no different from the people who stoked the immigrant-host issues. Remember, you cannot see people on maps
Simply, during the early time the British found out that a certain tribe then called the Malay (Melayu) were the only tribe found in the Peninsular. As such they named the new found land Malay Land (Tanah Melayu/Malaya). Naturally the head of the tribe (Melayu) were called as King of the Malay (Raja Melayu). Just like the British King and Queen.
The Portuguese, Chinese, Indian and others came to this Tanah Melayu/Malaya/Malay Land much later. To have a place in the Tanah Melayu those immigrants has to swear allegiance to the King and Queen (Raja Melayu) and accept the ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ concept. Once accepted, they (immigrants) are called Malaysian.
However, there is this exception. Sarawak though not a Tanah Melayu (It is Tanah Dayak) decided to forge closer relationship with the later to form Malaysia. But with an exception. The people of Sarawak can either called themselves Sarawakian or Malaysian.
Certainly the name Tanah Melayu given by the British is as divisive as the divide-and-conquer tactics the Crown employed during their tenure as the colonists, since Malaya was already quite plural even before their arrival. Although the Dutch colonists were there before the British, the Dutch never attempted any serious meddling into the social structure of the colony society, save for the ubiquitous Catholic proselytizing. Hence, the Dutch have never really etched something permanent onto the Malayan psyche (apart from some loan words), even though they were here far longer than the Portuguese or British.
The name Tanah Melayu is given out of consideration for the people of Malaya, though; it may have been given as a common easily pronounced name. If the British had wanted it, they would have disposed off the social respect nonsense and gave Malaya a name more palatable to the British tongue, like Protectorate of Southeast Indies for example. Heck, maybe if the Dutch objected to it, we might have Verenigde Oost Indische Stadt as our country's name today.
However, carto-graphically speaking, any historians would realize that maps of the old days were far from accurate. An old 10th century European map clumped the Middle-east (while somehow bypassing the Indian subcontinent), the Southeast Asian regions and Russia together and named it to the only Asian civilization they knew at that time, which is China. Hence, we couldn't really blame Columbus for naming the American natives as Indians, because as far as he knew, he landed in parts of India.
If we were really to put into consideration the cartographic location of countries in the old maps, all the countries would either be Indians, Chinese or Roman, since they were the only prominent civilization at that time. Thus, the Malays, the Thais, the Vietnamese, the Burmese, the Russians and the Japanese, to name a few, would just be Chinese to the undiscerning eyes. The Britons, the Gauls, the Teutons and the Turks would also be Romans in the same way, despite their apparent differences.
Today, national borders are almost irrelevant, thanks to progress in international transportation. As such, the issue of race-nation relationship is relative and never permanent. Quoting such fragile notions from maps in today's wave of globalization is futile. If we tried that as well, we are no different from the people who stoked the immigrant-host issues. Remember, you cannot see people on maps
Simply, during the early time the British found out that a certain tribe then called the Malay (Melayu) were the only tribe found in the Peninsular. As such they named the new found land Malay Land (Tanah Melayu/Malaya). Naturally the head of the tribe (Melayu) were called as King of the Malay (Raja Melayu). Just like the British King and Queen.
The Portuguese, Chinese, Indian and others came to this Tanah Melayu/Malaya/Malay Land much later. To have a place in the Tanah Melayu those immigrants has to swear allegiance to the King and Queen (Raja Melayu) and accept the ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ concept. Once accepted, they (immigrants) are called Malaysian.
However, there is this exception. Sarawak though not a Tanah Melayu (It is Tanah Dayak) decided to forge closer relationship with the later to form Malaysia. But with an exception. The people of Sarawak can either called themselves Sarawakian or Malaysian.
That’s how it goes… and it is very sad to note that there are some of those so-called immigrants who now wish to take over the Tanah Melayu and questioned the… and ‘Ketuanan Melayu’.
By the way, the word “BUTUH” in Bahasa Melayu as in PENIS in English means “NEED” in the Indonesian language. For example: Saya butuh kamu! Don’t believe me? Go ask your Indonesian maid now!
I don't quite get what's the excitement if the Arabs call it the Land of Chinese? The Europeans used to call everyone outside Europe as Indians, does that make sense?
I agree with hankZ, the right way to move now is forward into the future, not into the past. But only a total delusional lunatic will believe that a true integrated Malaysia can develop with three different race-based education system, and political parties representing different races.
Does it make sense to have Caucasion Republican, African-American Republican, Hispanic Republican, Native-American Republican, etc. The rest of the world learned this simple fact long time ago, but we still can't let go.
If we all really, really want a true integrated Malaysia, where everybody gets equal rights, we have to sacrifice our ancestors' identities. There is no other way around. Unless you are delusional.
Only by sacrifice shall we gain freedom
nah jawapan untuk ultrkiasu nih
"Micheal Chick berdasarkan tulisan itu telah menjalankan kajian yang serius mengenai sejarah Semenanjung Tanah Melayu dengan menyebut nama ahli sejarah terkenal..."
Menurut David Dzhizinsky, disokong oleh Teori Putaran Alam oleh Albert Einstein dan kajian2 terkini daripada NASA, penyelidik mendapati bahawa bumi ini berbentuk segiempat.
Aku cuba menyebut nama2 ahli sains untuk menegakkan benang basah.. Diharap tidak percaya dengan teori putar alam tersebut =)
Nak Tau betul atau tak...Sila buat kajian terperinci mengenai ini...Jika Betul baru percaya,jika palsu....Fikir-fikirkanlah...
ini pembohong yang ada agenda untuk merampas tanah melayu. kurang ajar betul...
kaji la dulu... pegi tgk kat riwayatmelayu atau mistisfiles.
Orang melayu jgn jadi bodoh percaya buta je.. terutama penulis blog ni..ko sokong ke si lahanat ni punya dongeng?
allahu akbar
What we need is to compile an encyclopaedia on Barr Chin to be written by historians of the highest authority in the world.
Siapa makan cili, dia terasa pedas!! Jangan risau.. kita semua hanyalah menumpang sementara di bumi ini. Jadi, hiduplah aman damai bagaikan satu keluarga yang besar. Sebab satu hari, kita akan tinggalkan dunia ini juga. Nikmati hidup dengan kegembiraan ya. Janganlah tuduh orang pembohong, lahanat dan sebagainya. Yang berdosa, tuan punya badan juga.
I want to remind all in this blog, right or wrong is not the answer but the choice is yours .... fight and argue till kingdom come .. win or loose we are are to die anyway ... like it or not NO ONE CAN ESCAPE DEATH and its ETERNITY .... you are all so stupid wasting time your time on earth .... THE MIGHTY CREATOR CREATED this Earth for us to enjoy HIS creation .... no wonder the HELL is laughing and waiting there for all of you cos that is what the wicked devil or saitan wants ... So folks BEWARE its your choice please do not blame anyone but yourself .... time is precious my friends but its all upm to you all to decide .....
I want to remind all in this blog, right or wrong is not the answer but the choice is yours .... fight and argue till kingdom come .. win or loose we are are to die anyway ... like it or not NO ONE CAN ESCAPE DEATH and its ETERNITY .... you are all so stupid wasting time your time on earth .... THE MIGHTY CREATOR CREATED this Earth for us to enjoy HIS creation .... no wonder the HELL is laughing and waiting there for all of you cos that is what the wicked devil or saitan wants ... So folks BEWARE its your choice please do not blame anyone but yourself .... time is precious my friends but its all up to you all to decide .....
I want to remind all in this blog, right or wrong is not the answer but the choice is yours .... fight and argue till kingdom come .. win or loose we are are to die anyway ... like it or not NO ONE CAN ESCAPE DEATH and its ETERNITY .... you are all so stupid wasting time your time on earth .... THE MIGHTY CREATOR CREATED this Earth for us to enjoy HIS creation .... no wonder the HELL is laughing and waiting there for all of you cos that is what the wicked devil or saitan wants ... So folks BEWARE its your choice please do not blame anyone but yourself .... time is precious my friends but its all up to you all to decide .....
Terdapat satu artifak yg dijumpai berbentuk syiling 1 kupang tahun 1247masihi dan bertulis TANAH MELAYU. tulisan adalah jawi manakala tulisan tahun menggunakan angka arab, Saya rasa bukti menyangkal terus Micheal Chick.
Mau tgk syiling tu- blh email :
Kalau nak ikut fakta mcm Tuan berikan maka takde satu bangsa pun yg berhak menuntut tanah di dunia ini... kerana kita pun tak tahu org China datang dari mana?... tetiba keluar dari tanah China ke? atau adakah org china berasal dari bangsa melayu dan anak pinak org melayu nie merantau ke china?... membina tamadun di sana sebelum balik ke kampung di tanah melayu?... lalu namakan Barr Xin... itupun logik akal jugak kan...
sejarah ni kena bnyk membaca jgk xbleh ckp men bedal.ak xprcya pun asl tanah ni china punye.. Pembohong. Bca blik sjrah kaji btl2 org melayu da brtapak di sini da lame,. Karut btl org yg tlis blog ni.
Before u look into future u must understand your root where u from..then only u can create something for the future..u cannot simply put aside the your root history where your sir name "chick" comes from..dont play with history..if your knowledge still not much for the future.
CHINA itu sendiri satu bangsa jer ke sebenarnya...CHINA mendapat nama pun apabila maharaja Chin berjaya menyatukan kerajaan2 di tanah besar..sebelum tu adakah mereka dikenali sebagai China?...tanah Melayu( nama yg diberi oleh British) bergelar BarrChin just simply kerana pengaruh tamadun China yg besar dan kuat pada zaman dahulu di rantau asia tenggara..untuk memudahkan fahaman pengembara2 eropah mereka just bagi nama BarrChin..mmg keseluruhannya berada di bawah pengaruh Tamadun China..bukan bermakna tanah Melayu ni milik orang China! Jika kita nak terlalu detail begitu apsal tak pilih suku China mana yg dikatakan memiliki tanah melayu ni? Cina hakka? Kantonis? Manchu? Monggol?? Cina tongsan??
Tak perlu susah2 nk persoalkan ketuanan Melayu..kerana bangsa apakah yg mula2 meneroka dan menubuhkan kerajaan di Tanah Melayu ni???
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